Life of Nami|Entry 2 | Preparing to leave the country…

My last month of being in the states was beautiful. 

I was extremely adamant with myself about spending time with my loved ones. Since there’s so many (like literally over 20 cousins alone), I knew I had to be intentional with the time I had if I really wanted to soak up enough love to last me on my journey. 

This intention was going to touch anyone I held close to me. Anytime I move to a new place, I look at the environment I am leaving behind and reflect on the space it held in my life. 

Since I decided to move and set my intentions for this new chapter, I knew cutting the time and energy I was giving to people was necessary so that I could focus on myself.

I knew when I moved, I would not have the time to tend to a bunch of different relationships and knew that if I wanted to focus on growth, I would have to clean up any dead leaves.

What I wasn't prepared for was the work that it would take to hold boundaries firm and to really let certain energy, people and things go. In doing so however, I felt more free and my focus and comfort within myself grew stronger.

I was blessed to be able to celebrate new life, go on multiple family excursions and soak in all the good California energy that I know and love. 

Instead of spreading myself thin with time, mental capacity and energy, I was able to spend time with the people at the places that mean the most to me. I was able to slow down and be present. I was able to build memories that were free, solid and well planted instead of ones that were forced, fleeting and left me drained.


Extending your Visa on Arrival in Chiang Mai, Thailand.


  Life of Nami | Entry 1 | Life Recap…